The Copy-Share feature enables sharing to a group (or individuals) and:
- automatically creating individual copies of the Exercise in a new folder for the person sharing the Exercise (owner)
- automatically creating an individual copy of the Exercise in each sharee's Shared with me default folder
- automatically creating a 1:1 share (when sharing to more than 1)
- retaining ownership by the person sharing the Exercise
Use case
- A teacher has created a lesson in a Maps Exercise called States of Matter Unit.
- The teacher has also created Group A and has added three student users to the group.
- The teacher wants to share the Exercise to a group of students but does not want the whole group to collaborate on the Exercise. The teacher wants:
- to own the Exercise.
- each student to receive a copy of the exercise.
- to collaborate 1:1 with each student individually or be able to review each student’s individual work on the Exercise.
Copy-Share process using the above use case
- From My Maps, the teacher clicks the Share icon beneath the Exercise (States of Matter Unit, in this case).
- Teacher selects Group A and checks the Create Individual Copies option.
- Teacher clicks Save to complete the Copy-Share action.
Teacher's (Owner's) views after Copy-Share
- A new folder entitled, States of Matter Unit - Shares is automatically created in the teacher's My Maps default folder.
- The original Exercise remains in My Maps at the top level.
Within the new folder a master copy of the original exercise has been created (States of Matter Unit - Master Copy
- Teacher opens the new folder
- A Master Copy of the Exercise is created in the new folder
- If the teacher copy-shares the Master Copy from the new folder, those individual shared copies will be added to same folder.
- Each individual shared copy of the Exercise will be created in the new folder.
- The group name and sharee's user name will be appended as shown below.
- The teacher is still the Owner of each individual shared copy.
- The teacher may open the shared copies to review each students' work.
Student's (Sharee's) views after Copy-Share
- Student (Sharee) opens their Shared with me default folder to find the newly shared Exercise, States of Matter Unit.
- The group name and student's (sharee's) user name is appended to the Exercise title as shown below.
- The teacher / owner retains ownership of the shared copy.
- Only the teacher/owner can break a share with a student.
- Just as with regular sharing, the student/sharee can "move' the copy-shared Exercise to the My Maps folder or a sub-folder using the Move icon or dragging the Exercise to My Maps or other sub-folder.
- Just as with regular sharing, even if the moved Exercise is deleted from My Maps or other sub-folder, the original will always remain in the Shared with Me default folder until the teacher breaks the share.
- Note: Non-students can break the share of a shared or copy-shared Exercise
- Just as with regular sharing, even if the moved Exercise is deleted from My Maps or other sub-folder, the original will always remain in the Shared with Me default folder until the teacher breaks the share.
If you have ANY issues or questions we are always happy to help.
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