Send New Sale email to Sales Reps
Send email automatically so Billing doesn’t need to
Demo School Creation
Create Demo School based on real school
Anonymize data for demo school
Create Update path for usage data over time
New Sale Updates
Updates based on feedback from billing/support
Update CKEditor library
Update Sharing/Groups user entry fields so that cursor remains active after selecting user
Modify UI for Exercise Properties dropdown to include create/sharing/modified dates
Update CKEditor Library
Bug Fixes
Fix issue with editing existing users
Fix permanent delete issue with some user roles
Update breadcrumb for Activities page
Prevent Move/Copy into ‘Shared with Me’ via Move icon
Correct special character issue in breadcrumb (&)
Fix Getting Started Video - Pink error message on quick navigation
Find/Fix error in Flow for WFBB
Multiple drag and drop allowed inappropriate drop
Server logged javascript errors cause by assignment link
Fix autocomplete issue caused by Wisetail code library
(BC) Make textbook icon unclickable
(A) Correct feedback in Assess when incorrect answer given
(C) Teacher’s map not shown if user reveals map multiple times
(C) Text floats off the page during viewing
(A) Save as PDF should open color copy
(C) Assess 7 & 8 - Swap horizontal and vertical
103B - Unnecessary back button in step 8 of Explore/Apply
202A - Fix Chrome hang due to undefined variable errors
303A - Answer variants disabled after user answered last question in Assess