Our online training materials serve as a constant and perpetually available resource for learning and reviewing Thinking Maps.  This training will enable you to develop proficiency in Thinking Maps while minimizing your Professional Development time commitments and maximizing efficiency and effectiveness.

Be sure to watch our Training Welcome Video in TMLC

Home Page

Our 8 Thinking Maps courses are an extension of our texts.  Each course is comprised of 2 to 4 modules.  The training dashboard page provides the Course level (Featured Content) overview. Click any of the titles to access the Course content page for each Course. 


Course Content page

The Course Content page contains a course-specific introductory video; links to each module page; and a link to the course categories page.  Click a module icon or title to access the launch link and supporting materials for a specific module.

After all Modules within a COURSE are completed with a green check, the entire COURSE will then also be marked as completed automatically.




  • You *must* let the final slide of each Module play to the end in order to get 'credit' for the MODULE.  


Navigating the Module

Tip:  The module should resize appropriately for the window you currently have open. However, you may need to scroll to make sure the entire module is visible in the window before continuing.