Welcome to the Thinking Maps Learning Community (TMLC)! We're glad you're here!
Standard TMLC Login
Please ask your Teacher for your School Code, login ID, and password. If your Teacher does not have this information, please have him/her contact Support (see below).
You may also want to request that your teacher/parent install our new Chrome extension, if applicable, to make it easier for you to reach the login page.
For information on other forms of authentication (Clever, Classlink, or Google SSO) please see the section on Single Sign On Authentication below.
School Administrators and Teachers
You will receive a Welcome email that includes login credentials to TMLC. If you cannot find your Welcome email, first search for:
- Subject: Getting Started with the Thinking Maps Learning Community
- From: [email protected]
- If you still need assistance, please contact Support (info below)
- Note that when logging in you will be considered a Non Student and will not be required to input the School Code
- Login credentials include your School Code for TMLC. Please share this code with Students along with their login id and password that your Administrator has assigned for them.
- For details about dedicated login URLs, click here: Schools: Login Page and Student Login IDs
You may also want to install our new Chrome extension, if applicable, to make it easier for you to reach the login page.
School Administrators of multiple schools (Multiple Licenses)
- The first school that we add your account to will be your default school. When you login to TMLC and click the Gear icon you will see your default school's name in the upper-right side of the purple bar.
- You will also see a Change School link in the purple bar.
- Once logged in, you will have to option to change your default school and the school you want to administer via the Change School link.
- Click here for more information: Creating accounts for Teachers and Multiple Licenses Feature
Teachers at multiple schools (Multiple Licenses)
You may also want to install our new Chrome extension, if applicable, to make it easier for you to reach the login page.
Single Sign On Authentication
Clever SSO users will have one of two ways to log into TMLC:
- Go to https://community.thinkingmaps.com and select your user type
- For Students: Input your School Code (provided from your teacher)
- Input your LoginID
- Click the Login with Clever button that appears
or by navigating to the link in your Clever application dashboard (controlled by your School/District)
Classlink SSO users will have one of two ways to log into TMLC:
- Go to https://community.thinkingmaps.com and select your user type
- For Students: Input your School Code (provided from your teacher)
- Input your LoginID
- Click the Login with Classlink button that appears
or by navigating to the link in your Classlink Launchpad (controlled by your School/District)
Google SSO users will need to do the following to complete logging into TMLC:
- Go to https://community.thinkingmaps.com and select your user type
- For Students: Input your School Code (provided from your teacher)
- Input your LoginID
- Click the Login with Google button that appears
- If you are not already logged into Google, a pop-up will appear asking you to do so now